
Showing posts from 2012

3D Pencil Drawings made by Ramon Bruin

Even though Ramon Bruin has a degree in airbrushing, it’s his other skill that made our jaws drop. A Netherlands-based artist creates amazing 3D optical illusions all with an ordinary pencil. As he puts it, trying photo-realism was just another way for him to push his boundaries and add another technique to his portfolio. A 31-year-old Ramon is mostly self-taught and impressively versatile: he can also paint and draw with acrylic, oil, water paints, charcoal, paint pens, pencils and graphite. Combining his 9-year experience in airbrush and knowledge from the Academy studies, Ramon established the JJK Airbrush company. It specializes in customized work only and declares that their sole purpose is “create kick-ass airbrush designs”!

Four teenage girls in Africa have invented a generator powered by pee

People pee a lot, and four African teenage girls have actually figured out a way to make pee useful. That’s right — even your pee. Doesn’t that make you want to rush out and drink a whole lot of beer right now and see how much electricity you can make? Oh, except we are pretty sure these girls were not drinking beer when they made this gadget, which was was presented this week in Lagos, Nigeria, at the fourth annual Maker Faire Africa, because it’s kind of complicated. And they are too young. According to The Next Web’s Emil Protalinski, the urine-powered generator — which can turn one liter of urine into six hours of electricity — works like this. Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which cracks the urea into nitrogen, water, and hydrogen. The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder. The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen g...

Heart Attack Treatment by AYURVEDA

दोस्तो अमेरिका की बड़ी बड़ी कंपनिया जो दवाइया भारत मे बेच रही है ! वो अमेरिका मे 20 -20 साल से बंद है ! आपको जो अमेरिका की सबसे खतरनाक दवा दी जा रही है ! वो आज कल दिल के रोगी (heart patient) को सबसे दी जा रही है !! भगवान न करे कि आपको कभी जिंदगी मे heart attack आए !लेकिन अगर आ गया तो आप जाएँगे डाक ्टर के पास ! और आपको मालूम ही है एक angioplasty आपरेशन आपका होता है ! angioplasty आपरेशन मे डाक्टर दिल की नली मे एक spring डालते हैं ! उसको stent कहते हैं ! और ये stent अमेरिका से आता है और इसका cost of production सिर्फ 3 डालर का है ! और यहाँ लाकर वो 3 से 5 लाख रुपए मे बेचते है और ऐसे लूटते हैं आपको ! और एक बार attack मे एक stent डालेंगे ! दूसरी बार दूसरा डालेंगे ! डाक्टर को commission है इसलिए वे बार बार कहता हैं angioplasty करवाओ angioplasty करवाओ !! इस लिए कभी मत करवाए ! तो फिर आप बोलेंगे हम क्या करे ????! आप इसका आयुर्वेदिक इलाज करे बहुत बहुत ही सरल है ! पहले आप एक बात जान ली जिये ! angioplasty आपरेशन कभी किसी का सफल नहीं होता !! क्यूंकि डाक्टर जो spring दिल की नली मे डालता है...

Very Dangerous Car


The Guoliang Tunnel in China


River Over A River

If you are not a Physics person, read the last paragraph and learn a fact of physics.   Have you ever seen a river over a river?  AMAZING.....    Even after you see it, it is still hard to believe! Water   Bridge in Germany . What a feat!   The photo was taken on the day of inauguration . . .   To those who appreciate engineering projects, here's a puzzle for your  armchair engineers and physicists.   Question:     Did that bridge have to be designed to withstand the additional weight of ship and barge traffic, or just the weight of the water?     Answer:     It only needs to be designed to withstand the weight of the water!     Why?     A ship always displaces an amount of water that weighs the same as the ship, regardless of how heavily a ship may be loaded.   Six years, 500 million Euros, 918 meters long . . . now, this is engineering!    ...

Blue Sky Behind Us.


जन्माष्टमी उत्सवस्य शुभाशयाः

भगवान् श्री कृष्णः महात्मा महायोगी च आसीत् l तस्य पिता वसुदेवः , माता देवकी च आस्ताम् l स बाल्यकाले एव सर्वासु विद्यासु महतीं योग्यतां प्राप्नोत् l स शस्त्रविद्यायाम् अतीव निपुणः आसीत् l मुरलीवादने तु अद्वितीयः अभवत् l स बाल्याव स्थायाम् ए व बहूनां राक्षसानां वधं अकरोत् l स महानीतिज्ञः आसीत् l युद्धे अर्जुनः किं कर्तव्यविमूढः अभवत् l भगवान् श्री कृष्णस्तस्मै गीतायाः उपदेशम् अददात् l भगवद्गीता न केवलं भारतवर्षे, अपि तु संपूर्णे जगति आदरेण पठ्यते l तस्य जन्मतिथिः श्रीकृष्ण-जन्माष्टमी इति पर्वरूपेण भारतवर्षे सर्वैः सोत्साहं संमान्यते l जन्माष्टमी उत्सवस्य शुभाशयाः l